What is exactly MACOACHING?

  • A company focused on the performance and comprehensive growth of High Top Performers.

  • Who is a HIGH TOP PERFORMER? Any person interested, committed, capable of, and meeting the objectives / results that the company needs at a high level that rapid frustration is possible when they do not see or obtain results. He is also susceptible to burn out due to the pace and overthinking he drives.

  • FUN FACT: The performance of someone is directly proportional to the beliefs and values ​​that this person has. How is it perceived? How do you feel emotionally? How are your human skills?

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What is exactly MACOACHING?

  • A company focused on the performance and comprehensive growth of High Top Performers.

  • Who is a HIGH TOP PERFORMER? Any person interested, committed, capable of, and meeting the objectives / results that the company needs at a high level that rapid frustration is possible when they do not see or obtain results. He is also susceptible to burn out due to the pace and overthinking he drives.

  • FUN FACT: The performance of someone is directly proportional to the beliefs and values ​​that this person has. How is it perceived? How do you feel emotionally? How are your human skills?

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services Portfolio

  • One to One Sessions (Directors & C-Level only).
  • Package of 13 sessions.
  • Team Building Trainings.
  • Workshops and Webinars with Intention and KPI’s.
  • Talks & Monthly Programs.
  • Key Notes.
  • Integral Mindfulness Activities.
  • Meditations for High Top Performers.
  • Yoga sessions.
  • Anti-stress breathing sessions.
  • Full Immersion experiences and Switch Offs (Retreats).
  • Interventions.
  • Performance Improvement Plans.
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Portafolio de Servicios

  • Sesiones Uno a Uno (Directores & C-Level únicamente).
  • Paquete de 13 sesiones.
  • Team Building Trainings.
  • Workshops y Webinars con Intención y KPI’s.
  • Pláticas & Programas Mensuales.
  • Key Notes.
  • Actividades Integrales de Mindfulness.
  • Meditaciones para High Top Performers.
  • Sesiones de Yoga.
  • Sesiones de Respiración anti- estrés.
  • Experiencias de Full Immersion y Switch Offs (Retiros).
  • Intervenciones.
  • Performance Improvement Plans.