Meet your coach!

Mariana Macías Ruiz

Mexican, Bachelor of Marketing, Master’s Degree in International and Digital Marketing, Internationally Certified as an Ontological, Mindfulness & Ecological Coach in the personal, business and sports fields. Speaker and Writer. Great believer and lover of life and what it has to teach. Convinced and blessed to live the purpose of life every day, impacting and transforming her life and that life of others, Mariana has been a coach for more than three years and counting accompanying great beings, companies and projects.

Meet your coach!

Mariana Macías Ruiz

Mexican, Bachelor of Marketing, Master’s Degree in International and Digital Marketing, Internationally Certified as an Ontological, Mindfulness & Ecological Coach in the personal, business and sports fields. Speaker and Writer. Great believer and lover of life and what it has to teach. Convinced and blessed to live the purpose of life every day, impacting and transforming her life and that life of others, Mariana has been a coach for more than three years and counting accompanying great beings, companies and projects.